Election 2016Local News 57th Six Nations Elected Council sworn in December 7, 2016 4023 views By Alex Riese Writer The 57th Six Nations Elected Council was sworn in on Dec. 2 at the Six Nations…
Election 2016Local News Ava Hill wins second term, only slight increase in voter turnout November 23, 2016 4322 views By Alex Riese and Lynda Powless Six Nations Elected Chief Ava Hill held onto her job Saturday after being re-elected…
Election 2016Local News A female chief and five women on council November 23, 2016 3769 views Six Nations Band Council new council will include five women and will be led by a female chief! For the…
Election 2016Local News Election oddities: from tie breakers to baskets to Marilyn Monroe November 23, 2016 3700 views By?Lynda Powless Editor Like any election there are always events that raise eyebrows or cause outright laughter and Six Nations…
Election 2016Local News Six Nations Election 2016 November 16, 2016 4083 views Three vying for Six Nations elected chief seat Cynthia Jamieson is a Mohawk, Turtle Clan, born, raised and attended school…
BusinessDaily Tim Hortons opens its largest First Nations restaurant October 12, 2016 12058 views Tim Horton’s a template for future franchisees By Lynda Powless Editor It was seven years in the making and a…
Local NewsPolitics Six Nations paid $16 million to keep itself out of debt August 10, 2016 11914 views Six Nations Band Council is made up of one full time Chief and 12 part-time councillors. Councillors are elected in…
Local NewsPress Releases HCCC Media Release: Actions of the Six Nations Men’s Fire April 28, 2016 5898 views Ori:wase : Media Release : Communiqué: For Immediate Release April 27, 2016 Re: Actions of the Six Nations Men’s Fire…